Current Affairs

Travel advice for those with pets

Silver Travel Advisor has produced numerous tips for those wanting to travel abroad with pets.

With Leishmania rife in some European countries, owners are advised to get the best possible protection against parasites by visiting a vet at least 10 weeks before travelling. In some western European countries, such a France, well-behaved dogs are allowed in restaurants. There is always an exception to the rule however, so itโ€™s worth enquiring if a restaurant is pet-friendly before booking.

As in Britain, dogs are only allowed on popular beaches at certain times of year, so it is best to check beforehand if a beach is pet friendly, or it could result in a fine.


If an animal is left in an enclosed space, make sure there is plenty of ventilation and that they have access to water. In a heat stroke situation, putting a towel that has been immersed in cold water on the animalโ€™s body will bring its body temperature down.

For more information on travelling with pets visit

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