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Louie Spence helps to raise awareness of ticks

Whilst out walking his dogs Lola and Flo, Louie Spence had a surprise when a group of giant ticks emerged from behind a tree, causing a reaction which has all been caught on camera by FRONTLINE Plus.

In the prank video released today, Louie then got involved in pranking a series of unsuspecting dog walkers in Battersea Park in south-west London by controlling the remote control creepy-crawlies.

FRONTLINEยฎย Plus carried out the stunt to alert pet owners to the dangers of ticks which are lurking in urban parks, forests, woodland and gardens across the UK. Precautions need to be taken all year round to ensure canine and feline friends are protected, as ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease and canine babesiosis.

Louie Spence commented: โ€œSeeing the ticks that big really made me realise how nasty they are. Iโ€™ll definitely be treating Lola every four weeks with FRONTLINE Plus from now on so sheโ€™s protected. I never want to see a tick again after today!โ€


Geoffrey Guyot,ย FRONTLINE Plus technical managerย comments: โ€œWhilst making the video has been a lot of fun, we hope we have highlighted a serious issue for pet owners. Now spring is here, many are getting back out there and going on long walks with their dogs.

“Ticks can be found anywhere and by treating your dog or cat every four weeks with FRONTLINEย Plus2, you can help protect your pet from ticks and fleas as they make the most of the spring weather.โ€

FRONTLINE Plus kills three key species of ticks found across Europe. It doesnโ€™t stop ticks from attaching but it kills them within 48 hours, helping to minimise the risk of disease transmission.

Itโ€™s double action formula also kills fleas on pets, plus stops flea eggs from hatching in the home. To see the video go to and for more information visit

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