
UK pet firm launches ‘Dog Talk’ phone app

British pet company, Beco,ย today launches a revolutionary new mobile phone app itย claims will transform the lives of nine million dog owners in the UK.

Using cutting-edge technology, the โ€˜Beco Dog-Talk Appโ€™ is suitable for iPads and iPhones and allows ownersย converse with their dogs, by translating barks, growls and howls into plain English.

Beco Pets, the London-based company behind the new app, which costs just ยฃ1.99 to download, say they expect lucrative sales of their new software to quickly spread across the Atlantic and to America, where the dog population exceeds 80 million.

Beco Pets Co-Founder George Massey said today: “Walt Disney had the right idea with his 101 speaking Dalmations, and Doctor Dolittle could also talk to the animals… Now itโ€™s your turn to tune in! We’ve found a way to finally understand what your pooch is saying to you.


“Your dog is already an important member of your family. Now he/she can join in dinner-table conversation, air his/her views on the European Referendum debate, and tell you in the supermarket which are all his favourite foods (hopefully our new range, Beco Food for Dogs!).”

The Beco Dog-Talk App is simple to download and is available for sale as a trial product launch for one day only today. The company invites dog owners to visit the website to “open up a whole new world of canine conversation that will change your relationship with your dog for ever.”

Beco Pets Design Director Toby Bramble used his own pet terrier, Rupert, in development trials testing the new product at a secret studio laboratory near his home in Kent.

Toby said: “It was hit and miss for a while as we perfected the software, but then Rupert came up trumps. He’s naturally very talkative and is always growling and barking. Now we can’t stop him talking.”

Rupert the terrier (using the Beco Dog-Talk App installed on his owner’s iPhone) added: “Christmas has come early this year! All I’ve ever wanted is sausages and now my dream has come true.”

This story was posted on April 1.

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