Industry News

Petsafe Survey Confirms British Love of Pets

The British love affair with pets shows no signs of slowing down. A recent survey of 2000 UK cat and dog owners conducted by global pet product expert, PetSafe, has highlighted that the strong bond between pet owners and four legged friends is stronger than ever.
The survey, conducted by OnePoll in June 2014 with 1000 cat owners and 1000 dog owners, revealed that almost five out of ten people said their cat or dog was more valuable to them than their house, car, jewellery or any other material possessions..
Firmly placed at the heart of family life, the survey found that pets are widely regarded as family
members – particularly by women – with nine out of ten women saying they are โ€œone of the familyโ€; for men, the figure was eight out of ten.

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