
13 percent of retail staff imagine killing their boss

The retail industry has the unhappiest staff, according to a survey conducted by business service company Expert Market and independent survey provider Vivatic.

Of the 2,222 respondents asked, the survey found that 13 percent of retail staff have imagined killing their boss, while 30 percent of those in the retail sector claimed to hate their job.

Construction workers came in second, with 27 percent saying they hated their place of work followed by 25 percent of public sector workers.

The survey, which questioned staff from various industries, found that overall 22 percent of respondents hated their boss. One in five admitted to disliking their job, with 52 percent of those citing their manager as the main reason for their dissatisfaction.


Some 44 percent of the survey’s respondents also claimed that their boss had set them unachievable tasks while one in five estimated that they worked four to six hours extra per week unpaid.

Furthermore, 39 percent of people said their boss has had negatively impacted their mental or physical health and 45 percent described their boss as a ‘control freak’.

Industry percent of people who imagine killing boss
Construction 22 percent
Media and Communications 15 percent
Science and Tech 14 percent
Arts and Entertainment 13 percent
Retail 13 percent
Finance 12 percent
Transport 11 percent
Education 11 percent
Public Sector 11 percent
Energy 9 percent
Administrative 7 percent
Health and Social Workers 7 percent
Hospitality and Leisure 7 percent

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