Pet Owners

70% of pet owners want access to online treatment, says Joii Pet Care

58% of pet owners said they would be more likely to use an online vet service than a physical vet surgery if it meant they ‘didn’t have to leave home’

70% of people agree that pets should be able to get medical assessments online and prescriptions delivered to their owners door, according to a study conducted by YouGov on behalf Joii Pet Care.

The survey, which questioned 1,843 British pet owners, also found that 82% believe online veterinary services and support should be available to those who wish to use them – with 61% stating they would use an online consultation service for a diagnosis with a qualified vet. 

In addition, 58% would be more likely to use an online vet service than a physical vet surgery if it meant they “didn’t have to leave home”.

The poll also found that 74% of cat and dog owners said online care can “complement” the services offered in a physical vet practice, and 75% said they would be more likely to use an online service over visiting a vet surgery if it were cheaper.


Sarah Warren, veterinary dermatologist and Joii co-founder, said: “It’s not surprising that the findings from the research are showing that pet owners are looking for more choice and affordability now. 

“Even with lockdowns now starting to ease, various forms of restrictions will still be in place for the foreseeable future and, coupled with the continued economic impacts of the pandemic, it means more owners than ever are facing financial hardship, and will need help accessing quality veterinary care.”

She added: “Online veterinary services have provided an essential lifeline during the Covid-19 pandemic and continue to do so today. Managing less urgent cases with remote consultations, provides an affordable and convenient way for pet parents who would otherwise struggle to access high quality veterinary care.”

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